Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

wooden blocks toy building - wonderful first

When a child receives a set of wooden blocks to play, a new world opens up for them. This can be a collection of classical pieces with the alphabet or a fancier set. This fun and educational help young children are oriented game to see the written language.

For my part, I had my first set of wooden blocks and a set of 2X4 my father cut and sanded. There was a variety of lengths for use. I spent long hours to build different structures. I also learned what can be located. This was the fun part. This taught me at an early age and was a solid basis for anything to stand the test of time.

Available for the child today a wide variety of wooden blocks. Not only in the old sand and rectangles of years ago. With cutting corners and that are round and these young imagination really explore different possibilities. As a parent I remember just sit and watch my child with the building blocks for it. It has always amazed me how quickly he learned what would work and what can be located. For some reason he liked tall buildings. It had to be quick because when he ran out of the blocks, and he will go to the garage and get some pieces of 2 X4 for me was there. I ended up doing a lot of sanding so he could complete his idea of ​​the correct construction.

Over the years, it offers a more complex one that helped expand his mind to play. But as a parent I will never forget those first wooden blocks and observe how the young mind learned from each experience he had during playback. Wooden blocks is a great game for any child first.

1 komentar:

  1. Nice website. I bought wooden blocks games for my kids from the website www.sumblox.com.its helps to become my kid for mentally strong. Thanks you
